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Lewis JP, Glaesemann KR, VanOpdorp K, Voth GA. Ab Initio Calculations of Reactive Pathways for α-Octahydro-1,3,5,7-tetranitro-1,3,5,7-tetrazocine (α-HMX). The Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2000 ;104:11384-11389.
Lewis JP, Sewell TD, Evans RB, Voth GA. Electronic Structure Calculation of the Structures and Energies of the Three Pure Polymorphic Forms of Crystalline HMX. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 2000 ;104:1009-1013.
Reichman DR, Roy P-N, Jang S, Voth GA. A Feynman Path Centroid Dynamics Approach for the Computation of Time Correlation Functions Involving Nonlinear Operators. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 2000 ;113:919-929.
Day TJF, Schmitt UW, Voth GA. The Mechanism of Hydrated Proton Transport in Water. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2000 ;122:12027-12028.
Krumrine JR, Jang S, Alexander MH, Voth GA. Quantum Molecular Dynamics and Spectral Simulation of a Boron Impurity in Solid Para-hydrogen. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 2000 ;113:9079-9089.
Schenter GK, Garrett BC, Voth GA. The Quantum Vibrational Dynamics of Cl[sup -](H[sub 2]O)[sub n] Clusters. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 2000 ;113:5171-5178.
Jang S, Voth GA. A Relationship between Centroid Dynamics and Path Integral Quantum Transition State Theory. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 2000 ;112:8747-8757.
Matyushov DV, Voth GA. Reorganization Parameters of Electronic Transitions in Electronically Delocalized Systems. 2. Optical Spectra. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2000 ;104:6485-6494.
Matyushov DV, Voth GA. Reorganization Parameters of Electronic Transitions in Electronically Delocalized Systems. 1. Charge Transfer Reactions. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2000 ;104:6470-6484.
Reichman DR, Voth GA. Self-consistent Harmonic Theory of Solvation in Glassy Systems: Classical Solvation. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 2000 ;112:3267-3279.
Reichman DR, Voth GA. Self-consistent Harmonic Theory of Solvation in Glassy Systems: Quantum Solvation. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 2000 ;112:3280-3284.
Ungar LW, Newton MD, Voth GA. Classical and Quantum Simulation of Electron Transfer Through a Polypeptide. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 1999 ;103:7367-7382.
Schmitt UW, Voth GA. The Computer Simulation of Proton Transport in Water. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 1999 ;111:9361-9381.
Jang S, Voth GA. A Derivation of Centroid Molecular Dynamics and Other Approximate Time Evolution Methods for Path Integral Centroid Variables. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 1999 ;111:2371-2384.
Calhoun A, Koper MTM, Voth GA. Electrochemical Bond-Breaking Reactions: A Comparison of Large Scale Simulation Results with Analytical Theory. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 1999 ;103:3442-3448.
Schwieters CD, Voth GA. Extension of Path Integral Quantum Transition State Theory to the Case of Nonadiabatic Activated Dynamics. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 1999 ;111:2869-2877.
Roy P-N, Voth GA. On the Feynman Path Centroid Density for Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac Statistics. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 1999 ;110:3647-3652.
Roy P-N, Jang S, Voth GA. Feynman Path Centroid Dynamics for Fermi–Dirac Statistics. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 1999 ;111:5303-5305.
Jang S, Schwieters CD, Voth GA. A Modification of Path Integral Quantum Transition State Theory for Asymmetric and Metastable Potentials. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 1999 ;103:9527-9538.
Jang S, Voth GA. Path Integral Centroid Variables and the Formulation of their Exact Real Time Dynamics. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 1999 ;111:2357-2370.
Matyushov DV, Voth GA. A Perturbation Theory for Solvation Thermodynamics: Dipolar–quadrupolar Liquids. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 1999 ;111:3630-3638.
Jang S, Pak Y, Voth GA. Quantum Dynamical Simulation of the Energy Relaxation Rate of the CN- Ion in Water. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 1999 ;103:10289-10293.
Jang S, Jang S, Voth GA. Quantum Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Low-Temperature High Energy Density Matter: Solid p-H2/Li and p-H2/B. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 1999 ;103:9512-9520.
Matyushov DV, Voth GA. A Theory of Electron Transfer and Steady-State Optical Spectra of Chromophores with Varying Electronic Polarizability. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 1999 ;103:10981-10992.
Haynes GR, Voth GA, Pollak E. DA Theory for the Activated Barrier Crossing Rate Constant in Systems Influenced by Space and Time Dependent Friction. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 1994 ;101:7811-7822.
Gai H, Voth GA. First-principles Molecular Dynamics Study of Surface Vibrations and Vibrational Mode Coupling on the H/Si(111)1 x 1 Surface. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 1994 ;101:1734-1737.
Cao J, Voth GA. The Formulation of Quantum Statistical Mechanics based on the Feynman Path Centroid Density. V. Quantum Instantaneous Normal Mode Theory of Liquids. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 1994 ;101:6184-6192.
Cao J, Voth GA. The Formulation of Quantum Statistical Mechanics based on the Feynman Path Centroid Density. I. Equilibrium Properties. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 1994 ;100:5093-5105.
Cao J, Voth GA. The Formulation of Quantum Statistical Mechanics based on the Feynman Path Centroid Density. II. Dynamical Properties. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 1994 ;100:5106-5117.
Cao J, Voth GA. The Formulation of Quantum Statistical Mechanics based on the Feynman Path Centroid Density. IV. Algorithms for Centroid Molecular Dynamics. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 1994 ;101:6168-6183.
Cao J, Voth GA. The Formulation of Quantum Statistical Mechanics based on the Feynman Path Centroid Density. III. Phase Space Formalism and Analysis of Centroid Molecular Dynamics. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 1994 ;101:6157-6167.
Lobaugh J, Voth GA. A Path Integral Study of Electronic Polarization and Nonlinear Coupling Effects in Condensed Phase Proton Transfer Reactions. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 1994 ;100:3039-3047.
Sun Y-C, Gai H, Voth GA. Vibrational Energy Relaxation Dynamics of C–H Stretching Modes on the Hydrogen-terminated H/C(111)1 x 1 Surface. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 1994 ;100:3247-3251.