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Tsai F-C, Henderson JM, Jarin Z, Kremneva E, Pernier J, Mikhajlov O, Manzi J, Clainche LC, Voth GA, Lappalainen P, et al. Activated I-BAR IRSp53 clustering controls the formation of VASP-actin-based membrane protrusions. Sci. Adv. 2022 ;8(41):eabp8677.
Barry E, Burns R, Chen W, de Hoe GX, de Oca JMM, de Pablo JJ, Dombrowski J, Elam JW, Felts AM, Gali G, et al. Advanced Materials for Energy-Water Systems: The Central Role of Water/Solid Interfaces in Adsorption, Reactivity, and Transport. Chem. Rev. 2021 ;121(21):9450−9501.
Barry E, Burns R, Chen W, de Hoe GX, de Oca JMM, de Pablo JJ, Dombrowski J, Elam JW, Felts AM, Gali G, et al. Advanced Materials for Energy-Water Systems: The Central Role of Water/Solid Interfaces in Adsorption, Reactivity, and Transport. Chem. Rev. 2021 ;121(21):9450−9501.
Barry E, Burns R, Chen W, de Hoe GX, de Oca JMM, de Pablo JJ, Dombrowski J, Elam JW, Felts AM, Gali G, et al. Advanced Materials for Energy-Water Systems: The Central Role of Water/Solid Interfaces in Adsorption, Reactivity, and Transport. Chem. Rev. 2021 ;121(21):9450−9501.
Barry E, Burns R, Chen W, de Hoe GX, de Oca JMM, de Pablo JJ, Dombrowski J, Elam JW, Felts AM, Gali G, et al. Advanced Materials for Energy-Water Systems: The Central Role of Water/Solid Interfaces in Adsorption, Reactivity, and Transport. Chem. Rev. 2021 ;121(21):9450−9501.
Tse Y-LS, Knight C, Voth GA. An Analysis of Hydrated Proton Diffusion in Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics. J. Chem. Phys. 2015 ;142(014104):1-13.
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Tse Y-LS, Lindberg GE, Sarode HN, Witten TA, Yang Y, Herring AM, Voth GA. Chloride Enhances Fluoride Mobility in Anion Exchange Membrane/Polycationic Systems. J. Phys. Chem. C. 2014 ;118:845-853.
Tepper HL, Voth GA. A Coarse-grained Model for Double-helix Molecules in Solution: Spontaneous Helix Formation and Equilibrium Properties. J Chem Phys. 2005 ;122:124906.
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Taraphder S, Maupin CM, Swanson JMJ, Voth GA. Coupling Protein Dynamics with Proton Transport in Human Carbonic Anhydrase II. J. Phys. Chem. B. 2016 :8389−8404 .
Brousseau M, Thomas NE, Teng D, Voth GA, Henzler-Wildman KA. The C-terminus of the Multi-Drug Efflux Pump EmrE Prevents Proton Leak by Gating Transport. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA. Submitted .
Brousseau M, Thomas NE, Teng D, Voth GA, Henzler-Wildman KA. The C-terminus of the Multi-Drug Efflux Pump EmrE Prevents Proton Leak by Gating Transport. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA. Submitted .
Voth GA. A Feynman Path Integral Formulation of Quantum Mechanical Transition State Theory. In: Talkner P, Hänggi P New Trends in Kramers' Reaction Rate Theory. New Trends in Kramers' Reaction Rate Theory. The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers; 1993.
Wu Y, Tepper HL, Voth GA. Flexible Simple Point-charge Water Model with Improved Liquid-State Properties. J Chem Phys. 2006 ;124:024503.