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Ayton GS, Izvekov S, Noid WG, Voth GA. Multiscale Simulation of Membranes and Membrane Proteins: Connecting Molecular Interactions to Mesoscopic Behavior. Current Topics in Membranes. 2008 ;60:181-225.
Liu P, Izvekov S, Voth GA. Multiscale Coarse-Graining of Monosaccharides. J. Phys. Chem. B. 2007 ;111:11566-11575.
Izvekov S, Voth GA. Multiscale Coarse-graining of Mixed Phospholipid/Cholesterol Bilayer. J. Chem. Theory Comp. 2006 ;2:637-648.
Wang Y, Izvekov S, Yan T, Voth GA. Multiscale Coarse-Graining of Ionic Liquids. J Phys Chem B. 2006 ;110:3564-75.
Noid WG, Liu P, Wang Y, Chu J-W, Ayton GS, Izvekov S, Andersen HC, Voth GA. The Multiscale Coarse-graining Method. II. Numerical Implementation for Coarse-grained Molecular Models. J. Chem. Phys. 2008 ;128:244115.
Noid WG, Chu J-W, Ayton GS, Krishna V, Izvekov S, Voth GA, Das A, Andersen HC. The Multiscale Coarse-graining Method I: A Rigorous Bridge between Atomistic and Coarse-grained Models. J. Chem. Phys. 2008 ;128:244114.
Izvekov S, Voth GA. A Multiscale Coarse-Graining Method for Biomolecular Systems. J Phys Chem B. 2005 ;109:2469-73.
Izvekov S, Voth GA. Multiscale Coarse Graining of Liquid-state Systems. J Chem Phys. 2005 ;123:134105.
Chu JW, Izvekov S, Voth GA. The Multiscale Challenge for Biomolecular Systems: Coarse-grained Modeling. Mol. Sim. 2006 ;32:211-218.
Izvekov S, Voth GA. Modeling Real Dynamics in the Coarse-grained Representation of Condensed Phase Systems. J Chem Phys. 2006 ;125:151101.
Izvekov S, Voth GA. Mixed Resolution Modeling of Interactions in Condensed Phase Systems. J. Chem. Theor. Comp. 2009 ;5:3232–3244.
Shi Q, Izvekov S, Voth GA. Mixed Atomistic and Coarse-Grained Molecular Dynamics:  Simulation of a Membrane-Bound Ion Channel. J Phys Chem B. 2006 ;110:15045-8.